NAV undefined


For more information, please refer our API documentations, or you can reach out to your AM or our shared inbox to inquire and share about your use case.

2025-01-31 Service Change:

2022-09-22 Service Change:

2022-09-01 Service Change:

Optimise latency and performance for Bundled Identity Affirmation service.

2022-08-31 Service Change:

Improve coverage and found rate for Ewallet Validator service on less common ewallet_account_number formats with 11-digits or 13-digits.

2022-08-22 Service Change:

Introduce a new public beta need_review flag for Face Comparison service to highlight need for manual review. This aims to flag up instances where the 2 faces being compared are too similar that could point to a fake selfie being submitted.

2022-08-21 Service Change:

Introduce a new endpoint to retrieve Bank Statement OCR result as a csv file.

2022-08-10 Service Change:

List of supported bank codes used in Bank Name Validator is updated:

2022-07-11 New Service:

Introduce new service Business Document Verification, which will initially support validation of DTI business registration document ( Philippines) against official government database.

2022-06-27 New Service and Feature:

2022-05-26 New Service:

Introduce new service ID Phone Validator which will validate if a given Indonesian NIK is associated with a specific phone number

2022-04-20 New Service:

Introduce new service Passive Liveness Check which will validate if a selfie is taken live or if it is capturing another static photo. This could help in red flagging potentially fraudulent users at onboarding stage for further triaging

2022-04-05 New Service:

Extend existing ID Card OCR service to handle Passport OCR extraction with check for potential tamper of the document.

2022-03-23 New Service:

Introduce new service KTP Biometrics Verification which will check against dukcapil government database whether the name, date of birth, place of birth, address, and selfie matches to the record associated with a given NIK number.

2022-03-16 New Service:

Extend existing Bundled Identity Affirmation service to be able to retrieve details on a device fingerprint scan performed with our SDK. This could help to detect whether a device is emulated, jailbroken or rooted, and if it has been used by other users on your network, in order to red flag unwanted behaviours for further triaging.

2022-02-25 New Service:

Introduce new service Bank Statement OCR which will extract account number, account holder name, statement date and the transactions listed on the document. This could help in automating document review and filtering in the loan underwriting process

2022-02-18 New Service:

Introduce new service CFT and PEP screening which will check the supplied identifiers for any potential match on global sanction lists, politically exposed persons lists as well as possible adverse media exposure. This could help in fulfilling certain AML screening obligations.

2022-02-18 New Service:

Introduce new service CFT and PEP screening which will check the supplied identifiers for any potential match on global sanction lists, politically exposed persons lists as well as possible adverse media exposure. This could help in fulfilling certain AML screening obligations.